Stakeholder Engagement

1. How does the company involve local communities in decision-making processes? *
2. What steps does the company take to understand and address the needs of its stakeholders? *
3. How does the company ensure transparency in its interactions with stakeholders? *
4. Does the company offer any of the following additional financial benefits to non-executive workers? *

Environmental Sustainability

6. What initiatives does the company undertake to reduce its water consumption and promote water conservation? *
7. What initiatives does the company undertake to reduce its water consumption and promote water conservation? *
8. What measures does the company implement to reduce air pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases? *
9. How does the company monitor and report its environmental performance, including progress towards sustainability targets? *
10. How does the company handle waste management and promote circular economy principles? *
11. Does the company have an environmental management system (EMS) covering waste generation, energy usage, water usage, and carbon emissions that includes any of the following? *
12. From what sources does the company get its electricity? *
13. What percentage of energy use is produced from renewable sources? *

Social Impact

14. Does the company support initiatives aiming at any of the following: * *
15. Does the company have any of the following practices: * *
16. Particularly in health, What initiatives does the company support to enhance access to healthcare services in underserved communities? * *
17. Particularly in education, What initiatives does the company support to enhance access to education in underserved communities? * *
18. What steps does the company take to promote financial inclusion and support entrepreneurship in disadvantaged areas? * *
19. How does the company measure the long-term impact of its community development initiatives on poverty alleviation and economic empowerment? * *

Ethical Business Practices

20. How does the company ensure compliance with local and international laws and regulations? *
21. How does the company ensure transparency in tax practices? *
22. How does the company ensure transparency and legality in its dealings with suppliers and business partners? *
23. How does the company ensure the integrity of its supply chain, including the sourcing of raw materials and labor practices? *
24. What mechanisms does the company have in place to prevent bribery, corruption, and unethical behavior? *
25. How does the company foster a culture of ethics and compliance among its employees and business partners? *
26. How does the company integrate respect for the rule of law into its governance structure? *

Human Rights

27. How does the company ensure the health and safety of its workers, including those in high-risk industries or remote locations? *
28. What policies does the company have in place to prevent discrimination and promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace? *
29. What steps does the company take to engage with local communities to identify and address human rights issues in its operations? *

Community Development

30. How does the company contribute to infrastructure development in areas of operation, such as roads, schools, and healthcare facilities? *
31. What initiatives does the company undertake to promote vocational training and employment opportunities for local residents? *
32. How does the company measure the long-term impact of its community development initiatives on poverty alleviation and economic empowerment? *

Sector-specific Indicators

33. For manufacturing companies: How does the company manage hazardous materials and ensure worker safety in its production processes? *
34. For financial institutions: What measures does the company take to promote financial literacy and consumer protection among its clients? *
35. For telecommunications companies: How does the company promote digital inclusion and bridge the digital divide in underserved areas? *
36. For service companies: How does the company integrate sustainability considerations in service delivery? *

Transparency and Reporting

37. How does the company communicate its CSR strategy, objectives, and performance to stakeholders? *
38. What steps does the company take to ensure the accuracy and reliability of its CSR reporting, including data collection and verification processes? *
39. How does the company use CSR reporting as a tool for continuous improvement and accountability? *

Adaptability to Cultural Context

40. How does the company respect cultural sensitivities and local customs in its marketing and promotional activities? *
41. What efforts does the company make to incorporate traditional knowledge and indigenous practices into its CSR programs? *
42. How does the company ensure gender-sensitive programming and engagement with women and girls in conservative societies? *

Continuous Improvement

43. How does the company solicit feedback from stakeholders to identify areas for improvement in its CSR practices? *
44. What mechanisms does the company have in place to track and monitor progress towards its CSR goals and targets? *
45. How does the company incorporate lessons learned from past CSR initiatives into its future planning and decision-making? *